Friday, May 14, 2010

Big City Kids

Discovering new groups - easy. Discovering good groups - not so easy. Big City Kids, i enjoy the upbeat music, but the lyrics dont appeal to my interest. " All i really know is about girls and what they want and i can give it to them"...part of they're song "All I Really Know." I'll give them this much credit, their music is good if you like Cobra Starship. It's the upbeat, dance sorta music, but the lyrics are whack. Check em out if your up for it. xoxoxo

Priscilla Ahn

Im trying to find new song artist to listen to, because personally i dislike listening to the same music EVERYONE ELSE listens to. I find it extremly annoying. So my mission as a new blogger is to find new artists i find really good and inform you about them. The one I am writing about now is Priscilla Ahn. She's an amazing singer. She's one of those singers who are naturally good and don't need "voice changers" to sound great. Her songs she writes herself, and they are amazing. Her music is contemporary, but sometimes you have to step out of your box to find music that you just enjoy hearing, and I highly reccomend Priscilla Ahn. Check her out. Some of my favorite songs by her include "Dream" , "Wallflower" , "Rain", "Living in a tree" , and "Lullaby"